A professional home weather station will allow you to keep track of your low and high temperatures, rain, barometric pressure, and wind. With a Smart Phone App you can monitor your weather conditions online from almost anywhere. With a desktop program you can set up graphs for temperature, wind, and rain. You can embed a Weather widget into your blog or website to show your home weather station current conditions. This can be very helpful to any serious gardener. It so happens that my overnight low temperature can be colder than other weather stations just a few miles away. A good home weather station is a very important investment for any serious gardener, especially in cold climates with short growing seasons, and is well worth the cost.

A wireless remote thermometer is less expensive and will at least let you monitor your low and high greenhouse temperature from inside your house. I still recommend 1 outside and 1 inside your greenhouse.

It is important to have 2 separate temperature sensors, 1 outside and 1 inside your greenhouse. This will tell you how fast your greenhouse loses heat on cloudy days or at night. The above chart shows a 3 day temperature record: red = outside temperature and green = inside my greenhouse temperature. Late Spring frosts are common, where I live. On May 19th the overnight low was 32 F. My small electric space heater in my greenhouse added about 10 degrees F and protected my young plants.


Weather Station

Davis Instruments
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WeatherLink Live

Automatic Data Uploads to
The Internet

Davis Instruments
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Greenhouse Wireless Transmitter

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Greenhouse Temperature Sensor

Davis Instruments
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Solar Radiation Heat Shield

La Crosse Technology
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